Should you use both CreateSpace and IngramSpark?
Maybe. That’s the short answer.
However, it does depend on what you hope to accomplish with your book.
Will it be an ebook only? Like Kindle?
Do you want to see your book in print?
Do you want it available in libraries and bookstores?
Me? I think printing with both distributors is the way to go.
But please for the love of God, I hope you can avoid some of my mistakes. Although, I didn’t crash and burn, I did bang up my poor little book a bit along the road to self-publishing. This was not a happy trip.
Sheesh, I’m a slow learner sometimes. Hopefully, you will benefit from my mistakes.
First, let’s start with what the two distributors do or don’t offer.
Easy to use.
CreateSpace provides an easy to use MS Word template for you to set up your book.
CreateSpace provides a free ISBN number for both your print…
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