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Happy New Year!

Writer's picture: Vivian MunnochVivian Munnoch

The dreaded year of 2020 is over! Although Covid-19 is far from over, like a book we start today with a new chapter. Today, we can look ahead to the future with optimism and hope.

Writing and publishing in 2021

I’m not into New Year Resolutions. But, that doesn’t mean I can’t promise myself new starts and to do better going forward. I do that at any time of the year.

Since the shutdown here in March, I too have been trying to put those promises into action; writing and reading more. Blogging more.

Like so many others, I’ve been working from home in the near total isolation of seeing the world through the front window and in-person social contact being relegated only to a pair of teenagers, my partner, and two dogs. One of those dogs lives to be annoy, but she’s still cute, cuddly, and lovable; and can cover your entire body like a blanket if she lays across you.

I am working to get more writing in. There are so many stories to be finished or told.

We are all in this socially distanced and isolating time together. But we can be together virtually, be kind towards each other, forgiving of each others’ differences, and help each other.

Gift things others may need that you have no use for. Many people are struggling with lost incomes.

Smile and a wave to a neighbor or a stranger from a distance.

Do an act of kindness for a stranger or neighbor, or pay one forward.

Be extra kind to the front line people: in the stores, delivering groceries and parcels, Caring for our loved ones in hospitals and care homes, and all our first responders. Their lives are unimaginable levels of stress right now.

Give a little something of yourself to help others.

You can sign up for my infrequent Author of Darkness newsletter or follow my fan blog for my other pen name: L. V. Gaudet (adult fiction) or visit my blog about writing for writers.

Let’s meet again (virtually) throughout the new year and look ahead with hope and optimism.


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