-Author of Dark Fiction-
L.V. Gaudet
You have entered a dark place.
Come see what secrets lurk on the dark and dusty shelf of a fiction writer.
Manitoban author Lori Gaudet’s short story “The Darkest Night” leaves its wonderous blight in Dragon Soul Press’s new horror anthology Haunt, released September 30, 2022.
The Darkest Night by L. V. Gaudet: As dusk descends on a cemetery, people awake, confused how they came to be there. They are locked in. Shadows deepen and night falls, bringing disturbing terror with it.
The shadows come for them. Unstoppable. The soul takers. Each hour that presses towards dawn, more are taken. They cannot escape. Some abandon hope, acquiescing calmly to their fate. When the sun finally comes, only one will be left. She is different from the rest.
The Darkest Night includes the poem “Twi the Light” at the beginning.
You can find Dragon Soul Press’s anthology Haunt with The Darkest Night by L. V. Gaudet here https://books2read.com/DSPHaunt.

The McAllister Series Book 1
Where the Bodies Are
What kind of dark secret pushes a man to commit the unimaginable, even as he is sickened by his own actions?
A young woman is found discarded with the trash, brutally beaten and left for dead. More bodies begin to appear, left where they are sure to be found and cause a media frenzy. The killer’s reality blurs between past and present with a compulsion driven by a dark secret locked in a fractured mind. Overcome by a blind rage that leaves him wallowing in remorse with the bodies of victim after victim. He is desperate to stop killing. The search for the killer will lead to his dark secret buried in the past, something much larger than a man-on-woman killing spree.

Crackling with tension author Lori Gaudet ensnares the reader into the twisted life of a serial killer in her book: Where the Bodies Are. Fear and suspicion prickles at the sensibilities of a cast of characters who all have reason to distrust others as each seeks to shelter the secrets they carry deep within their souls.