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Garden Grove: 5 The Coffee Clutch – The Watcher in the Woods by LV Gaudet

Writer's picture: L. V. GaudetL. V. Gaudet
Garden Grove Cover - McNally - front cover

I can see you out there, with your chainsaws ripping into the gnarled bark of the old oak trees, tearing their wooden flesh apart until they teeter and crash to the ground.

You just can’t leave well enough alone, can you?

I’m so sleepy, so tired.  I could just sleep again and might have, but you woke me again with all your noise, your activity.

The loud growling of chainsaws, banging of large metal tractor buckets against dump truck boxes, and the frantic pattering of terrified squirrels fleeing the roaring and trembling of their homes being felled.

They are cutting down more of my beautiful trees, my glorious prison.

The squirrels who I have been watching so frantically collecting nuts are going to have to start all over again.

They’ll probably starve this winter.

The wild turkeys that come in the spring will have to find a new spring roost.

The calm solitude of the sound dampening trees will be gone.  Soon the winds will tear through here like they do the empty fields surrounding this little piece of old growth woods.

And the secrets those gnarled twisted old trees hide won’t be secret much longer.


Available on Kindle and in paperback on Amazon:

Garden Grove Cover - McNally - front cover

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And  for the teens and middle years kids who like middle years/teen drama and monsters, a fantasy psychological thriller.


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