I’m actually going to write this before I post my prompt response from yesterday. I’m working on it, but it’s turning into a really long story… and I haven’t gotten the chance to get to the horror element of it.
Me and those long stories that I can’t help but to write.
Anyway, we need Day 19’s Writing Prompt, even if I end up having to post the rest of this prompt tomorrow! So, let’s get to it!
Prompt #19
The knife plunges into her chest and she stumbles. When she straightens and yanks the blade out, to your horror, she doesn’t bleed.
So, there we go! Prompt #19. If you want to change it up and write from the lady’s perspective, do it. If you want to write about the person experiencing it, go for it. ❤ It’s up to you!
If you end up responding to this prompt…
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