Two absolutely beautiful books reviewed today, both about kids who are trying to cope with major changes in their world. Forgetting Foster is about a little boy whose Dad has early-onset Alzheimer’s, while in The Thing About Jellyfish, Suzy is struggling to cope with the random drowning of her best friend. Both books highlight how children deal with complex situations, and reinforce the importance of discussing issues with children rather than letting them glean information from other places.
Forgetting Foster – Dianne Touchell 22nd June 2016, Allen&Unwin 240 pages, 5/5 stars
Foster is a seven year old boy whose father is starting to forget things. He has early-onset Alzheimer’s, but Foster doesn’t really understand what that means, just that his Dad isn’t quite the same anymore. He’s losing his stories. Foster is worried, but no one really wants to tell him what is going on…
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